Thursday, September 29, 2022

Day 96 September 24, 2022

 Day 96 Saturday, September 24, 2022

Logsdon Tug Service Beardstown to Mel's Riverdock Restaurant

The Lock report is not very promising but everyone decides to leave.  Not the best decision since we immediately encountered dense fog.  We were the last in line so we kept our sights on The Grand Wazoo.  Our mast is down due to bridge heights so we don't have radar.  The tug, Randy Hopson, waited for us to pass. 


Barges had pulled out of the channel to the shore waiting for the fog to clear.  I'm sure that they don't want to have to worry about fog, navigation AND pleasure craft. 

We arrived at the LaGrange Lock at 08:30.  The lead boat had contacted the lock master for instructions earlier and was told to hold on the left bank.  Once closer they called again to verify where to go and were admonished that they don't know how to follow directions.  He was going to "take you next, but now you can wait".  Ugh.... Lock masters hold the power.  If we wait too long we are in danger of not making our next planned stop before dark.  We will have to look at possible anchorages.

While we waited at anchor we were entertained by eagles perched and singing on shore and Asian Carp stirred up by the vibration of the Sea Ray waiting behind us.  Sea gulls dined on the unfortunate fish knocked out when they hit the boat!  We learned later that their anchor didn't work so they floated and motored the boat the entire time they waited.  We kept asking ourselves why they didn't just anchor!


Gratefully there was no current, the sun shining and the anchor holding. The day dragged on as we patiently waited for our turn to enter the lock.  No one dared call the lock master fearful that we could get delayed even further! Instead, I typed blog entries, did some needlework and we planned alternate stops.

We watched at least 3 tows go through the lock.  We canceled our reservation at Mel's Riverdock Restaurant.  

FINALLY, in the lock at 3:30pm.  Out of the lock at 4:30, we wouldn't arrive until after dark.  LaGrange Lock is at MM80 (mile marker) and Mel's at MM21 - no way we could do 59miles before sunset.  I'm sure the lock master gave no thought to how his actions affected others.  Mel's easily lost $600 or more from the dockage and meals from the 6 boats that cancelled.

Dredging taking place

US Army Corps of Engineers Quarters Boat.  If you zoom in you can see multiple doors along the upper deck leading to individual staff rooms. 
Four boats tied to the Quarters boat "Taggat Z"

All the sand on shore, the river is low

We ended up at MM59, Big Blue Island Anchorage with The Grand Wazoo and 2nd Chance at 6:15pm, sunset at 6:55pm. We pushed hard at 9 knots (11 mph) -- we burned a lot of diesel in a short amount of time.  We tucked back from the channel in about 8 foot of water, anchor light on.   The first tow passed by at 7:45, a good test.  We were well out of the channel and they definitely lit us up with their spotlights.


Of course Jerry slept on the couch with the portable VHS radio in hand. Tows passed us at 7:45, 11pm, 3am and 5am.  Rain, some wind, and the anchor alarm kept Jerry awake.  

Plan is for a very early start in the morning.  We will have 75 miles travel to our destination in Alton. Illinois.  

Another long day.

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