Friday, July 1, 2022

Day 11 June 30

Well, plans change!  Props and shaft issues addressed on Wednesday but still concerned about a coolant leak on the port engine.  No problem says John, we'll take a look.  By 9am he was on the boat and diagnosed the leak as a clamp that needed tightening.  While he was at it he checked other connections and tightened the alternator/circulator pump belt.  He was very instructive, giving Jerry tips on what to look for.  

Decision was made to spend another day so we took the opportunity to do 2 loads of laundry and use the loaner car again.  The car was a 31yr old Mercedes with 230,000 plus miles.  It's true what they say about meeting people in the laundry -- we got invited to docktails that evening!  Easily 10 Looper boats at the Marina!  

We enjoyed docktails, exchanging boat cards, hearing about everyone's plans and sharing stories.  Pat and Steve of Calypso, were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary.  Steve shared his musical talent for an impromptu sing along on his ukulele. Fun to hear Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" in Bugs Bunny voice.  

Ring of Fire sung by Bugs Bunny   

      Steve later serenaded us on his trumpet!

Plan is to leave for Oswego Harbor and then on to Clayton, NY to see the Antique Boat Museum.  I'll keep you posted.  Changed plans and flexibility often mean more fun!!

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