Wednesday, July 27
Decision made for an early morning start -- Bare Feet, Tug Bussle, Mountain Mermaid and Eric's Inheritance left Orillia at 7:30am. First challenge would be the Railroad Swing Bridge, only 14 foot clearance. We would request an opening from the operator. Opening is completely dependent on the train schedule for the day. The bridge doesn't open until 9am and must close 20 minutes prior to a train's arrival. We arrived early and waited 30 minutes (floating and adjusting our course in the narrow channel) for the opening. The bridge operator told us that we could be the only boats going through that day due to a train derailment 2 days before. Yesterday the tracks were cleared; a backlog of 13 trains would keep the bridge closed most of the day. We were feeling lucky!
Once through the bridge we would have 2 more locks for the day before reaching the Big Chute Marine Railway.
Caboose turned into a guest house.
Tug Bussle waiting at a lock.
47 foot drop at this lock.
Next adventure-- Big Chute Marine Railway, Lock 44.
Drama for us -- we received a text message from boaters up ahead that the Big Chute had been closed for maintenance. Okay, time to exercise our newest skill -- Plan B. Reservations were made at Big Chute Marina and hope for passage the next day. Barely tied up at the marina and Big Chute was back in operation. Over to the blue line to wait our turn and make reservations at Starport Marina in Port Severn.
The Big Chute is a 58 foot lift that brings you over land on a marine railway. You enter the chute while the rail is in the water. You are suspended by straps, similar to when our boat gets hauled out for the season. Once boats are loaded the railway starts travel out of the water, over land and then back into the water on the other side. Very strange and remarkable. It was weird to be hanging there putting our faith in the skill of the chute operators. It was funny to see the Sea Doos just sitting on the deck of the railway out of the water. The Big Chute can carry 110 tons and boats up to 100 feet.
Check out the straps our boat is suspended from!
After 10 hours we were finally tied to a dock again and ready for a celebratory Tang and Tonic with Janet and Russ. Late dinner (more left overs) and a short day planned for tomorrow.
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